
Sections overview

Scouting is a progressive movement, as you get older, you move up through the sections. Each section brings with a whole set of new challenges and new knowledge to gain.


Beavers is the youngest section, with youngsters aged between 6-8. Click on the Beavers logo to find out more about our Beaver colony.


When you turn 8, you move up to the next section which is called Cubs, the section has youngsters aged 8 - 10 1/2. Click on the Cubs logo to find out more about our Cub pack.


When you reach 10 1/2, you move up into scouts, the section looks after young people from the ages of 10 1/2 - 14. Click on the Scouts logo to find out more about our Scout Troop.


When you reach 14, you are gaining more independence and so you can move up to the next section which is called Explorers, you can if you wish become a young leader in one of the other sections. This section has young people from ages 14 until they are 18.


When you reach 18, you can choose if you wish to become a leader or some other role with one of the sections and/ or be part of the scout network, which is for people aged 18 until 25.


After that if you haven't already, you can volunteer with one of the sections. It's fun, come and join us. Click here to join us or click here to contact us with any other queries.


Ages: 6-8


Ages: 8-10 1/2


Ages: 10 1/2 - 14


Ages: 14-18


Ages: 18-25

Group volunteering

Ages: 18+